Nigel Colfer’s 2JZ 180sx Desktop Wallpaper
Download your wallpaper of Nigel Colfer’s 2JZ-GTE powered 180sx.
Drifted photographer Adam O’Connor snapped this great shot of Nigel Colfer’s aggressive 2JZ 180sx.
We offer this as a free wallpaper for your Laptop, PC or mobile.
Download your 2JZ 180sx wallpaper
2JZ 180sx wallpaper in iPhone 6 size
2JZ 180sx wallpaper in 1366px x 768px
2JZ 180sx 180sx wallpaper in 1920px x 1080px
Right-click “Save-as” to download the wallpaper in your chosen size.
Watch Nigel’s 180sx in action!
If you want to see more photos and a spec of Nigel’s car Autolifers did a great feature on his car.