SNAPSHOT: Toshiki Yoshioka’s GT-NET Tomei Subaru BRZ

Yoshioka's GT-NET Tomei Subaru BRZ

Toshiki Yoshioka is a hachi guy. He likes small wheelbase cars, and that makes the new Subaru BRZ a perfect match for his driving style. Here we present some of the finer details of his GT-NET Tomei powered racer.

Yoshioka's GT-NET Tomei Subaru BRZ


Yoshioka's GT-NET Tomei Subaru BRZ


Yoshioka's GT-NET Tomei Subaru BRZ


Yoshioka's GT-NET Tomei Subaru BRZ


Yoshioka's GT-NET Tomei Subaru BRZ


Yoshioka's GT-NET Tomei Subaru BRZ


Yoshioka's GT-NET Tomei Subaru BRZ


Andrew Jennings is a photographer and editorialist based out of Nashville, TN. He has been covering the American drift scene since 2007, and his work has been published in nationally syndicated magazines such as Modified Magazine, Import Tuner, Performance Auto and Sound, and RIDES. Andrew may be contacted through his professional online portfolio, or the social networks listed below.

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